I've taken it one step further and am now busily critiquing the names of new food from Trader Joe's...
Since Valentine's Day is coming and I'm a sucker for anything with hearts, I grabbed the shiny red and pink bag of what was most assuredly sweets and tucked it into my shopping bag without reading the label... When they pulled it out of my bag at the register, I could not stifle a laugh... I had ended up with Lovey Gummy Tummies... It was as if they had hired the doting grandmother of a newborn to name the product... Upon sampling, I found that they were the same gel-filled jellies as the Gummy Tummies Penguins that were such a disappointment last summer... Even my nephews wouldn't eat these and for them, "junky-junk" is an official block in their food pyramid...
That didn't stop me from eating them... Almost as good as real cherries is anything cherry-flavored... Except of course, cough syrup...
The other stunner from this trip to the store was the 3 Plus Blue... Is it a pizza?... Is it a flatbread?... Is it a line of jeans for the large and lovely?... The blend of Grana Padrano, Parmesan, Mozzarella, and Gorgonzola (the aforementioned "blue") was tasty, but overly reminiscent of the Jeno's cheese pizzas that I used to get on hot lunch day in the 4th grade at Our Lady of Guadalupe...
Not that that's such a bad thing... But you would expect a little more with such verbosity...
The snob appeal of Trader Joe's is sent up hilariously in this missive from "The Best of Craigslist"... The writer of this is spot-on with the characters you see at the store... Living on the Westside, I think that L.A. has a monopoly on pretentious and parsimonious (watch for these words on TJ's next incarnation of popcorn or dried persimmons) worshippers at the Temple of Joe... Apparently, they have their fair share in Seattle... Which is probably a lot like West L.A. but colder and from what I hear, with even more tattoos per square mile of human skin...
Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips really threw me for a loop... Too straightforwardly described, the only concession to TJ-ness is the fact that they're baked and have no artificial flavors... I'm still waiting for the other food snobbery shoe to drop...
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